About George


…I have been an entrepreneur my entire life.

My purpose has always been to help others, have fun, enjoy thinking and solving problems, and of course… make money!

Through my journey of almost everything you can think of (business wise), I have ended up with online marketing. Marketing online gives the opportunity of the “laptop lifestyle” which everyone dreams about. 

The laptop lifestyle is not easy, seems to be reserved for only the few that have either put in years of work or the fortunate to have been personally coached by the best.

I’m not completely enjoying that lifestyle yet, but I have made great progress and only the products and lessons that I believe are needed are here on my website.

Please feel free to look around and send me a message if you wish to.

Have a great day!

If you want more “business” ideas, I have many online business programs I have reviewed,

Click here to see the YouTube Playlist.
